Leadership is about growth, courage and successful adaptation to new and emerging challenges. Partner with CEC as you navigate a changing landscape.

One-on-One virtual and/or in-person coaching for school and district leaders
Mitch spends time getting to know the leaders he works with, and works to tailor support and meet them where they are, whether they are a first year school-based leader hammering out an entry plan in their new school, or a seasoned district leader looking to increase the quality of support provided to building-based leaders. Rookies and veterans alike could benefit from Mitch's ability to hone in on specifics while zooming back for a 30,000 foot view.
Join a Leadership Circle or partner with Mitch to design virtual and in-person professional development for leaders and their teams.
Leadership can be isolating, and tremendous learning takes place when we have opportunities to collaborate with other leaders within or across schools. Mitch facilitates Leadership Circles, designs and leads leadership retreats, and supports the development of programs and initiatives designed to grow leaders.

Build new tools and resources that support leader and teacher development & evaluation
Center Education Consulting supports the development and adaptation of teacher and leadership development and evaluatio frameworks and tools. Reach out if your school, network or district is looking to rethink teacher and leader development and evaluation - whether you are creating a new and unique tool & process, or adapting an existing one that you'd like to tailor to to your particular context, CEC could support with development and training.