One-on-One virtual and/or in-person coaching for school and district leaders
School Leader Coaching: Mitch supports principals and assistant principals wherever they might be on their educational journey. New and veteran leaders are met where they are and are challenged to take their leadership to the next level. Support includes navigating change, creating and implementing strategic plans, improving instructional leadership, leaning into difficult and crucial conversations, and developing a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement in your schools.
District Leader Coaching: Mitch worked as an Assistant Superintendent managing 18 school leaders for several years, and understands the particular challenges unique to this function. Whether you are a superintendent, assistant superintendent, deputy superintendent, or managing director, consider speaking with Mitch abuot 1 on 1 intensive coaching to identify existing strengths, sort through challenges, and lean into the work of continuously improving your craft. Learn to manage your leaders in a way that maximizes your time in schools and leverages the power and collective intellignece of the leaders you support.
Mastermind: Since 2020, Mitch has co-facilitated the Learn and Lead Masterminds with leaders around the country. Participants gather across six groups every other week to learn, support one another and solve the unique challenges confronting school and district leaders. Check out the Mastermind tab on top to learn more!
Retreats, Summer Institutes and Professional Learning: Mitch has designed and lead dozens of learning experiences for leaders. He has led 3-day retreats for school leaders and their teams, curated multi-week institutes for charter networks, and countless workshops focused on improving the efficacy of leaders.
Build new tools and resources that support leader and teacher development & evaluation
Teacher & Leader Development & Evaluation: Mitch has worked with both large urban districts and with small charter networks to create or adapt tools for site-specific needs. By conducting focus groups, aligning components with district priorities, and developing tools, Mitch and the leaders he's worked with have been able to support the roll out of new development and evaluation tools that support instructional priorities.